Alexander Nico Krause
My mother always used to say to me «Alexander, you are my encourager.» I thought about it and decided to make it my life credo.

My Mission
I focus on creating meaningful and sustainable things and supporting people in the process.
For me, trend marketing is more than just a buzzword it is a profound strategic approach to capturing the pulse of the times and using it for the success of a brand.
In an ever–changing world, flexibility is key. We see it as an opportunity to connect our brand with trends and build a bond with our target group.
Mentor & Speaker
To embark on the journey to discover ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, a life compass is absolutely helpful for each of us
From deep passion, I support people in developing their individual compass and achieving inspiring goals to overcome external and internal obstacles. Lead a courageous life and be the light that inspires others.
Entrepreneur & Investor
Targeted investments in companies and projects that are aware of their responsibility and implement sustainable growth. In Paraguay, we have created the largest nature logo in the world and have thus been able to reforest over 4,600 hectares of forest, employ over 150 people and plant millions of trees.
My little trick technique:
Transform your weaknesses into strengths by making yourself useful
About me
My journey began at 24 when I discovered my passion for making the unknown known. This curiosity led me out of my comfort zone and toward new challenges. At 30, I decided not just to earn money, but to do something meaningful and sustainable—a turning point in my life.
At 39, I achieved my greatest entrepreneurial success and was named the most successful partner among 500,000 representatives in Busan, South Korea. Yet, this success showed me that the journey is just as important as the destination.
At 42, I learned through a significant financial loss to reset my priorities and find happiness even with little. This "school of character formation" was more than worth it.
At 50, I decided not just to survive but to enjoy life in its fullness. Today, I look back on my journey with gratitude and look forward to continuing to make the unknown known—with a deeper meaning and a greater appreciation for the path.
How to work with me
Your Idea in Focus: Do you have an inspiring idea or a project you want to bring to life? Share your vision, and let's discuss the details. Together, we'll define the goals and identify the opportunities to take your project to the next level.
From Concept to Execution: After our initial discussion, we'll develop a customized plan to turn your idea into reality. We will consider all relevant aspects, from strategy development and resource planning to execution.
Realization and Growth: Now comes the exciting part: We bring the plan to life together and make your project a success! I will support you with my experience and network. Our motto: "I love turning great ideas into reality and making them a true success story!"
Book me as a speaker
Every year, I travel worldwide to various events and gatherings, explore fascinating new projects, and meet visionary people.
As a speaker, I am passionate about discussing topics such as "Values as a Life Compass," "Fear as a Guide," and "The Art of Mastering Life." It fulfills me to touch and inspire people because it gives me the assurance that I am doing something meaningful and sustainable. At the same time, it helps me to reflect on myself, continue to grow, and improve my own life.
If you are interested, I look forward to your message:
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